The Member of Parliament for the City of Lincoln, Karl McCartney MP, has welcomed a Green Paper on a new modern Industrial Strategy which will support businesses in Lincoln to grow and create more high skilled, high paid jobs for local people.
The Industrial Strategy will ensure everyone in Lincoln can benefit from success through ten ‘pillars’ – including investing in science, research and innovation, and upgrading infrastructure – that underpin a new approach and will identify all of the new opportunities across our economy. This strategy will create the conditions where the winners can emerge and grow in different types of business across Lincoln.
The modern Industrial Strategy will benefit Lincoln and proposes:
- Investing in skills, so that globally significant employers like Rolls Royce, Toyota and Bombardier continue to view the Midlands as an attractive place to invest and grow their businesses;
- Supporting the development of major infrastructure projects, by providing development funding for major upgrades such as the Midlands Rail Hub;
- Improving access to finance for businesses right across the country to grow, including through the Midlands Engine Investment Fund.
Karl McCartney JP MP, Lincoln’s Member of Parliament, said: “This is an important step in building a modern, dynamic Industrial Strategy that will deliver more high skilled, high wage jobs and improve living standards and drive economic growth across our City.
“Local businesses and workers have the chance to contribute to this vision and submit their views to help us create a high-skilled economy in Lincoln where businesses can grow and more jobs are created.
“This strategy will ensure we are backing are business in Lincoln and ensure more people share in the benefits of its success.”
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For further information, please contact Karl McCartney JP MP at [email protected] / 020 7219 7221.