Lincolnshire County Council has dropped its plans for more resident parking in the Bailgate area in uphill Lincoln.
Karl, alongside local businesses and organisations such as Visit Lincoln and the Federation of Small Businesses, had been at the forefront of the campaign against these plans which would have severely restricted parking to shoppers, visitors and tourists.
Karl said: “It is very welcome news that the County Council and Labour-controlled City of Lincoln Council have dropped plans to change parking rules in Lincoln’s Bailgate.
“As things stand, anyone can park between Newport and the junction with Westgate for an hour between 8am and 6pm Monday to Saturday, which is crucial for the livelihood of local businesses as this enables parking for non-residents visiting shops and accessing services in the area. The proposals, had they gone ahead, would have offered priority to those who live in Bailgate, to park as Residents all day every day – potentially snuffing out the constant flow of passing trade from non-residents and visitors and tourists who visit the area in their vehicles.
“I joined others in making known my views opposing the scheme, standing alongside local firms and shops and others such as Visit Lincoln and the Federation of Small Businesses. The decision not to restrict non-resident parking is a great result for Lincoln’s SME’s that have struggled so valiantly to stay afloat over the past two and half years and who represent the lifeblood of our local economy.
“I am hopeful and confident no such plans will ever be put forward again.”