The gender education gap – an equalities issue that can no longer be ignored 6th September 2016 Published in The Guardian As the Member of Parliament for the City of Lincoln, I have been struck by the underperformance of boys in education compared to girls... Articles
In a post-Brexit Britain, it’s time to end the gender education gap 6th September 2016 Published in the Daily Telegraph (Online Edition) One of the great things about being a Member of Parliament in a seat such as the City of Lincoln is the sheer... Articles
The four questions every wannabe Prime Minister needs to address to Conservative Backbenchers 30th June 2016 Being in Parliament at this time, is both exciting and bears a heavy responsibility. Exciting because of the need to execute the decision made by the Great... European NewsArticles
Statement by Karl on General Election Expense Return 12th May 2016 “My Election Expense return for the 2015 General Election was completed and returned by my Election Agent in accordance with Election Law. The Party’s national... ArticlesLocal News
HLF grant secures future of Bomber Command Story 21st January 2016 The Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial Trust (LBCM), in partnership with the University of Lincoln, has been awarded Round 2 funding of £3 million from the... Local NewsArticles
Letter to the Lincolnshire Echo from Rachel Storer 23rd April 2014 Letter to the Lincolnshire Echo following unsubtantiated claims by a Labour supporter Articles
Letter to the Lincolnshire Echo from Heather Alibakir 23rd April 2014 Letter to the Lincolnshire Echo following the unsubstantiated attacks on Karl by a Labour supporter. Articles
Letter to the Lincolnshire Echo from Jacqui Lane 23rd April 2014 Letter from Jacqui Lane to the Lincolnshire Echo in response to unsubstantiated attacks from a Labour supporter. Articles
Letter to Lincoln Echo from Peter Sunderland 23rd April 2014 A letter to the Lincolnshire Echo sent by Peter Sunderland in response to an unsubstantiated attack from a Labour supporter Articles